
This site is the collection of knowledge gathered from students over many years, places, and lives. Goju Kyokai as a martial arts style is young, growing from from the roots of traditional, time-tested martial styles. A philosophy of, "Take what works and discard what does not." keep this art fresh and applicable. Visitors with familiarity in other styles will recognize borrowed techniques; maybe a Tai Otoshi from Professor Jigaro Kano or Thundering Hammers from American Kenpo Karate.

At the core of GKK are the components of "hard" (go) and "soft" (ju). These concepts are applied to the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the art. Although concepts from other arts have been incorporated the foundation of GKK is built upon two styles; Shotokan Karate and Goju Ryu Karate-Do.

A component that students will immediately notice is the inclusion of philosphy in their study of GKK. The philosphies will include anything (and everything) from modern anecdotes to traditional budo and even Zen. Training the mental aspects of students is as important as the physical. ("Right mind, right action.")

When one starts to investigate the history of the various arts it will soon be apparent that the roots of martial arts are intertwined. Each "unique" art branching out with a slightly different focus and direction than the others. Kata in one style may be in another style with a different name, slightly different focus, but still the same at their core.